Town of Eagle Point Fire Dept. Statement

To the Residents of Eagle Point.

Last night June 19, 2024 at a town board meeting, the board voted to terminate Fire Chief, Rocky Berg, and Captain Marcy Trubshaw.

It is a very unfortunate event but one the board knew was unavoidable.

First and foremost, I want to assure you Eagle Point will not and has not had an interruption in services.  911 services are fully operational. 

Now, and before my time on the town board there have been numerous issues with the Fire Dept.  Our EMS services were suspended by the State in the spring of 2023.  The board has tirelessly over the past year tried to work with Chief Berg and the department to improve the communications, actions, and transparency between the board, the public, and the fire department.  Unfortunately, it did not improve. 

An issue arose June 18, 2024 that once again put the town in jeopardy of enforcement actions by the State.   Actions taken by Chief Berg would have exposed the town to serious legal liability and state violations.

The town board will continue to work, to achieve the best possible fire and EMS service, that the community deserves and should expect.

You may contact myself or any board member with any questions or concerns you may have.


Charles W. Hebert

Town of Eagle Point Chairman