Town History

The Eagle Point Town Hall building opened its doors in June 1939.

The women of the Eagle Point Club having no building did their best to mark the ballots for their town.  One day they said we need a building!  In May of 1938 work on the new town hall began with Charlie Hebert who was the Town Chairman for 7 years.  The town hall building opened its doors June 1939.

In 2011 the town hall was remodeled with new energy efficient windows, state certified lift, new paint, new lights.

The board voted and approved to install Air Conditioning in the the town hall, a fund has been developed and donations are being accepted.  We anticipate to start the install in 2022.

With monies from Routes to Recovery Grant the upper hall now has sound proofing, stage curtain, and a new audio/microphone system.  A secure drop box is now outside for payments, correspondence, and incoming mail.  Security cameras monitor the property also.

August 2021 the outside foundation, stairs and railings have all been updated with new paint.