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Ordinances & Resolutions


Resolution 2018-2 Adjust Accounts to Balance 2017-year end Numbers

Resolution 2018-1 Move Available Year End 2017 Monies to Money Market Town Equipment Fund

105th Ave Speed Ordinance

192nd St. No Parking Ordinance 2016-1

Animal Control Officer Contract

ATV Ordinance

Burning Ordinance

County Recycling Participation Resolution 2015-2

Discontinue Public Way Resolution 2014-1

Dog Ordinance

Dog Ordinance 2nd amendment 11-19-18

EMS Rescind Call Charges 2017-5

FD Rescind Resolution 2016-3

Fire & EMS Charging 2017-2

Fire Call Charges 2019-1

IOH Opt Out Ordinance 2015-1

IOH Opt Out Ordinance 2016-2

IOH Opt Out Ordinance 2015-4

Just Fix It Transportation-2016

Liquor & Beer License Amendment 2015-2

Oridinance 2019-1 signed inc liq beer fees

Monies Moved to Balance 2014 Resolution 2015-1

Monies moved to balance 2016 Res 2017-3

Ordinance 2015-3 Volunteer Funds

Ordinance 2015-3 First Amendment 4-16-18 FD

Ordinance Establishing Planning Commission

Ordinance for the Alternative Procedure for Payment of Claims Against Town

Popple Lake

Resolution 2015-3 Move Funds

Resolution of Ordinance for Public Participation Procedures for Town of Eagle Point Comprehensive Planning

Road Ordinance 2015-5

Stagger Five Person Board 2017-2

Ordinance 2018-1 150th Ave. stop signs at 145th St.

Ordinance 2018-2 Stop sign 120th Ave.

Ordinance 2019-2 signed Class B Clear Lke Rd.

Ordinance 2019-3 Stop sign 143rd St.-signed

Resolution 2020-3 borrow funds.-signed

Resolution 2020-1 speed limit 125th Ave.-signed

Resolution 2020-2 Demanding Repairs to Railroad Crossings in the Town of Eagle Point-signed

Resolution 2020-4 Town Hall AC signed

Resolution 2021-1 move 2% due money year end 2020 to savings acct signed

Resolution 2021-2 147th Street Abandonment-signed

Resolution 2021-3 move budgeted $$ to town equip fund signed

Resolution 2021-4 move budget $ from cont to Misc. Expense-signed

Resolution 2021-5 Amend dog license income 2021 budget-signed

Ordinance 2021-1 Class B 93rd Ave signed

Ordinance 2021-2 revoke 2013-1 stop signs 95th ave rr crossing signed

Resolution 2022-1 move budget $$ to FD & town equip funds-signed

Resolution 2022-2 Amend 2022 Budget-signed

Ordinance 2021-3 post speed limit sign 160th St. at 45mph-signed

Ordinance 2021-4 New Ward Boundaries signed

Ordinance 2022-1 Amend Wards add 5A-signed

Ordinance 2022-2 Chap 32 ATV sec 5 item d to 1130 pm-signed

Resolution 2022-3 147th Ave. partial abandoment-signed

Resolution 2022-4 Cornell Lke land exchange d. asher signed

Resolution 2022-5 147th Ave signed

Ordinance 2022-2 Chap 32 ATV sec 5 item d to 1130 pm-signed

Resolution 2023-1 signed 159th St.

Resolution 2023-2 signed 156th St.

Resolution 2023-3 FD Support-signed

Resolution 2023-2 156th St.-amended-signed.docx

Resolution 2023-1 159th St. amended-signed.docx

Resolution 2023-4 156th St. signed

Resolution 2023-5 159th St. signed

Ordinance 2023-1 Stormwater Manangement signed

Ordinance 2023-1 Stormwater

Resolution 2024-1 Cemetery signed

Ordinance 2024-1 Amend 5a to 6 signed

Ordinance 2024-5 CLBL no campng, no fires signed

Ordinance 2024-6 Newspaper Publications signed

Ordinance 2024-7 liquor amend signed

Ordinance 2024-8 210th St. No Parking-signed

Ordinance 2024 Amend 90-TS-10-signed